How Much Is Drivers License In Nigeria 2018

Despite having shared how to get Nigeria drivers license on this blog, I still receive emails from some people asking me how much is drivers license in Nigeria.

Well the cost of drivers license in Nigeria depends on the number of years you want it to be valid for.  As at the time of publishing this post FRSC Nigeria offers two options : 3years validity and 5 years validity. Below is the price of Nigeria drivers license per years of validity :

  • Nigeria drivers license of 5 years validity will cost you N10,450
  • Nigeria drivers license of 3 years validity will cost you N6,350

You will be required to make this payment directly into the account number dedicated for this purpose.

When going to the bank to make this payment, you must go Nigeria drivers license application form which you might have filled at the FRSC capture centre. There is an application id on the form which the bank will need to process your payment. Once payment is successful, the bank will issue you a stamped teller and a payment acknowledgement slip.

Once you are done at the bank, you will have to go back to the FRSC office so they can direct you on what next to do.

After paying for my 5 years Nigeria drivers license, I proceeded to the VIO office to obtain my VIO test certificate after which I went to the eye clinic to obtain my eye test certificate. All these cost me extra money too.

You can click here to read the full details about how to get new drivers license in Nigeria.



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