Gionee S6s Unboxing Photos : A New Way To Selfie

When the perfect comes, the good has to give way. The Gionee S6s is an ingenious craft of perfection. It comes with a back Fingerprint Shutter for capturing Selfies and a Front flash for perfect Selfies even in imperfect lighting conditions.

Gionee S6s android phone photo

The specifications at a glance

Gionee S6s specifications

There’s a secret inside this box, let’s unwrap it together.

Ahaaa!!! The S6s, The grand master of Selfies…. Don’t be in a hurry to see the phone common, let’s check out the other contents. The best is reserved for the last.

Yeahh!!! We are getting there. What do we have here?

Now here are the treasures, let’s pick them one after the other.

From the very least, yet powerful, Gionee S6s comes with a non-removable battery so here’s the pin for the SIM slot.

Let’s keep the momentum; the next is the warranty card. Who needs that anyways? The Gionee S6s will give you no worries.

Next up is something very dear to my heart. Solid and alluring in every way. Stop giraffing! You couldn’t even wait for my epistle, anyways; you know it already, its THE EARPIECE.

Gionee S6s earpiece

Let’s talk about, poise, perfection, precision and the pouch.

I know you are still staring at the pouch. We have to move on you know, the pouch can’t charge your phone. You need the charger and the USB cord.

What else do we have??

The extra screen guard to keep the beauty ministry flowing. Included is a screen wipe.

The moment you’ve been waiting for. The Gionee S6s. Before I put it on, let’s check its body and curves.

Remember I told you there’s a secret to this phone. Well, this is it.

That space right there is a finger print shutter for taking Selfies. Just touch to capture that beautiful face.

Let’s move on. It’s got a 13MP rear camera. For clear, sharp and quality images.

Now here’s another special feature. The 8MP front flash with front flash so you can keep slaying even in low light conditions. I’m sure you are already imagining your hand on the back fingerprint and your face in front.

Here’s the USB port and earpiece jack.

The Slim slot… Slim to perfection

The speaker vent

Lets put on the phone.

There you have it… The Gionee S6s is a wonder to behold, beautiful inside and out.

You should be getting ready to buy yours. . Visit our Gionee Facebook Page here to visualize this beauty.


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