Konga Commission Rates Reviewed. Check Out The Latest Rates

Earlier today, I decided to check through the transaction reports of my store on Konga.com and I was stunned when I noticed that the commission I pay per sale of my product has been increased by 5%. This ain't funny considering the fact we merchants on Konga.com are also required to pay membership subscription fee every month.

If you're a merchant, the rates you will be charged will be determined by the plan you subscribed to, with those on the Konga Bronze package paying the highest rate. The new Konga commission rates was published on Konga Sellers Academy but I didn't receive the update in my mail. Strange!

Below is the screenshot of the latest commission rates for sellers on Konga.com

konga commission rates 2016

What's your take on this?

Is Konga really charging you according to the rates listed above?


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