Oriflame Welcome Program : How It Works In Nigeria

Well, the welcome program allows you to get any of selected three Oriflame products for just 1500 next month if you place a total order of 200 Bonus Points in your first month of joining Oriflame.

You will enjoy this benefit for three months in as much as you place a total order of 200 bonus points every month.

This means, if you join Oriflame this month and you buy products, whose total bonus points equal 200 bonus points or more this same month, you can get any of the three products below for just N1,500, next month.

  • Catalogue price of Pure Skin Lotion = N2,790
  • Catalogue price of Eye liner = N3,390
  • Catalogue price of Love Nature face toner = N2,890

This means you can get the eye liner (for women) for just 1,500 instead of N3,390. That’s almost 50% discount. So, calculate how much you will earn if you sell at N3,390 (catalogue price) or more.

Step 2

Place a total order of 200 Bonus Points* in your second month of joining to benefit from Welcome Program Step 2 and get any one of 31602, 26675 and 32014 in the next month for only NGN 1500.

Step 3

Place a total order of 200 Bonus Points* in your third month of joining to benefit from Welcome Program Step 3 and get any one of 11355, 19639 and 12190 in the next month for only NGN 1500.

Remember, each Oriflame product has a specific number of bonus points attached to it as seen in the Official Oriflame price list. Sample below :

As at the time of publishing this, products worth N27,000 will give you 200 bonus points.

Source : https://ng.oriflame.com/business-opportunity/welcome-program4


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