What Do You Want To See On OgbongeBlog in 2017?

Happy New Year friends!

This is my first blog post on Ogbongeblog this 2017.

I appreciate you all for been a reader/subscriber of this great blog. I wish you a year filled with success.

2016 was a great year for me. I got married to my best friend and God also blessed the marriage with a beautiful baby girl in December 2016. Besides that, earnings from sponsored posts, Google Adsense, services I render etc were far better than what I earned in 2015 despite the fact that I didn't publish much posts in 2016.

You won't believe I struggled to publish just 218 blog posts in 2016. Imagine, just 218 posts in 12 months. Number of posts some Nigerian entertainment bloggers will publish in less than two weeks...lol.

Anyway, it was all because of many things that occupied my time offline and also due to the fact that I now also pay more attention to some sites that I've created out of the ideas gotten from Ogbongeblog : Mobilitaria.com, RechargeCardPrinting.com etc

Well, this 2017, I hope to publish more posts but for this to be easy for me, I would really need you to tell me what and what you would like me to write about on this blog. If there are some things you would like to learn, kindly let me know so I can work on them. If there are changes you would also like to see on Ogbongeblog, feel free to relate with me via comments.

Happy 2017!

Connect with me :

Facebook : jidetheblogger
Twitter : jidetheblogger
Instagram : jidetheblogger


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